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To make an exchange, you have up to 14 days from the delivery date of your order.
Please ensure that the item is in its original condition, with its packaging, labels, safety tie and corresponding accessories.
If you do not meet these conditions, unfortunately we will not be able to accept the change.
The first size or model change will be free for mainland Spain, the Balearic Islands and Portugal.
From the second onwards, you will have shipping costs associated with the way you choose to return the product.
You can make your size change through the following My Returns link.
Once the new size is selected, we will reserve the garment.
To make an exchange for another model you must check the option “EXCHANGE FOR ANOTHER PRODUCT” and we will reserve the model for you.
If you have questions, you can send us an email to clienteas@theextremecollecion.com, and we will be happy to assist you.
You can choose the home pickup option or take it in person to your nearest post office.
In both cases, the change process consists of two parts.
- We hope to receive the garment
- Upon arrival, we automatically generate the order with the new requested size.
If you know the order number and email (or telephone) you can place it directly at this link.
For exchanges or returns in the Canary Islands, the customer assumes the procedures and cost of the return.
Withdrawal form
THE EXTREME COLLECTION, SL provides this form to customers who, having purchased a product on this website, wish to withdraw from the purchase and sale contract.
However, and in order to facilitate the right of withdrawal, all the fields of this form must be completed by the client:
“At the attention of THE EXTREME COLLECTION, SL, with address in PL. DE ISABEL II, 8 - 2 B 28013 MADRID (Madrid):
I hereby inform you that I withdraw from the purchase and sale contract referring to the order placed through the theextremecollection.com website.
Order date: __/__/_____.
Order number:
Name and surname of the client:
Client address:
Signature of the client (if it was delivered on paper):